Google Drive Update – New Feature Available Soon

Starting with June 28th, users will be able to benefit from Google Drive’s new feature: ability to back up the entire computer to Googe Drive

Those who are into the Google Drive cloud will now be able to do much more: back up their entire computer to Google Drive, so that nothing is lost if something happens to the device.

The name of the service is Backup and Sync from Google and it is designed to “help everyday users back up files and photos from their computers, so they’re safe and accessible from anywhere.”

It is the latest version of Google Drive and it will work on both Mac and PC. More than that, it comes integrated with Google Photos desktop uploader.

The new Gdrive feature targets all G Suite Basic, Enterprise, Business, Education, and Nonprofit domains, and will allow all users “access huge corporate data sets without taking up the equivalent space on their hard drives.”

This new feature sounds promising, as long as the user always has an internet connection. Google Drive will save the users’ storage; however, they might end up consuming more data to access the backed up data, which could turn out to be unpleasant.

In addition, users might have to find themselves in the situation of having to pay for extra Google Drive storage if they plan to upload plenty of data to Google’s servers. Thus, they need to make sure that they also take into account these costs when deciding whether or not to invest in cloud storage, as every Google user has a free 15GB portion of the cloud, which may turn out to be insufficient.

The Backup and Sync application comes out in a few weeks, and Google recommends that regular users download the new app, whilst enterprise users keep their current Drive app.

