On Thursday, the Islamic Group beheaded 15 of its own members due to an infighting in Afghanistan’s eastern province of Nangarhar
While ISIS was beheading its own fighters, a suicide attack started in another part of the state, leaving 8 people dead.
The ISIS members were executed in the Surkh Ab bazaar of Achin district after infighting in the group. The entire scene took place at the country’s border with Pakistan.
The group did not say anything about the killings publicly. Itself and the Taliban have fought each other a lot in the area, and both have been hit by sustained US air strikes.
Afghan intelligence documents show that officials suspect that ISIS is present in nine provinces, from Nangarhar and Junar in the east to Jawzjan, Faryab and Badakhshan in the North.
The beheadings took place the same day as a suicide attack killed 8 people and injured 17 others.
It is believed that the suicide bomber targeted a local police commander who was just dismissed from his job. The scene happened in Jalalabad, and the offices was identified as Akram. Sadly, the officer’s children have been killed in the attack.