Renault Charged for Sexism After Releasing Paint for Nails and Cars

Renault Charged for Sexism After Releasing Paint for Nails and Cars

In a marketing attempt to promote its Twingo city car, Renault released a nail polish that also fixes paint flaws on cars The French car maker, Renault, decided in a bald move to promote its Twingo city car, a small...
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South Africa to Raise Mines Black Ownership Requirements to 30%

South Africa to Raise Mines Black Ownership Requirements to 30%

South Africa plans to add new rules requiring that all local mines be 20% black-owned, and not 26% as it currently is The plan is available for all local mines, regardless of whether they have sold shares or assets to...
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Facebook Safety Check – New Fundraising Tool to be Released

Facebook Safety Check – New Fundraising Tool to be Released

Due to the latest happenings, Facebook decided to take action and add a fundraising tool, through its already existing Safety Check feature Facebook declared on Wednesday that it would allow its users to raise and donate money using the “Safety...
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