Elder Passenger Throws Coins Into Engine for “Luck” – Delays Take-Off

Elder Passenger Throws Coins Into Engine for “Luck” – Delays Take-Off

An elderly woman delayed a flight from Shanghai to Guangzhou after throwing coins into the plane’s engine for “good luck” China Southern Airlines Flight 380 was delayed and held at the Shanghai Pudong International Airport after a woman disrupted the...
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Australia’s Great Barrier Reef Estimated at $42 Billion

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef Estimated at $42 Billion

According to Deloitte Access Economics, the Australian Great Barrier Reef ‘s estimated worth is $42 Billion Economists decided to help preserve the Australian Great Barrier Reef by placing a price tag on the world’s largest living environment. Acco...
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New Qualcomm Fingerprint Sensors Go Through Displays, Metal, and Glass

New Qualcomm Fingerprint Sensors Go Through Displays, Metal, and Glass

Qualcomm’s solution of ultrasonic fingerprint sensor goes through aluminum and glass, making it revolutionary Several challenges have arisen in the attempt to make bezels smaller and develop more sleek phone designs, while also keeping their security at ...
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