Renault Charged for Sexism After Releasing Paint for Nails and Cars

Renault Charged for Sexism After Releasing Paint for Nails and Cars

In a marketing attempt to promote its Twingo city car, Renault released a nail polish that also fixes paint flaws on cars The French car maker, Renault, decided in a bald move to promote its Twingo city car, a small...
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South Africa to Raise Mines Black Ownership Requirements to 30%

South Africa to Raise Mines Black Ownership Requirements to 30%

South Africa plans to add new rules requiring that all local mines be 20% black-owned, and not 26% as it currently is The plan is available for all local mines, regardless of whether they have sold shares or assets to...
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Facebook Safety Check – New Fundraising Tool to be Released

Facebook Safety Check – New Fundraising Tool to be Released

Due to the latest happenings, Facebook decided to take action and add a fundraising tool, through its already existing Safety Check feature Facebook declared on Wednesday that it would allow its users to raise and donate money using the “Safety...
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London Grenfell Tower Fire – In Pictures

London Grenfell Tower Fire – In Pictures

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Google Hires Apple Expert in an Attempt to Build its Own Processors

Google Hires Apple Expert in an Attempt to Build its Own Processors

Google is getting serious on building its own processors and hires Apple engineer as key person in the plan Google is becoming more and more serious about creating its own processors, just as Apple does. The company decided to hire...
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U.S. Starts Sending Smart Bombs to Saudi Arabia

U.S. Starts Sending Smart Bombs to Saudi Arabia

The U.S. Will start delivering smart bombs to Saudi Arabia, as part of a $1.3 billion arms package The $1.3 billion arms package was approved back in 2015, according to two officials who have knowledge of the plans. The State...
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London Grenfell Tower Fire Records Several Deaths

London Grenfell Tower Fire Records Several Deaths

A massive fire tore through London Grenfell Tower, claiming several lives as officials confirmed A massive fire took place around 1 a.m., submerging a 24-story apartment building in west London in flames and panic. The fire officials confirmed that the...
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