Huge aquarium bursts, spilling 1 million litres of water and 1500 fishes

Huge aquarium bursts, spilling 1 million litres of water and 1500 fishes

AquaDom, the world largest cylindrical aquarium has burst, killing all 1.500 fishes inside and spilling 1 million litres of water through the building, onto the streets nearby. The aquarium located in a hotel lobby in Berlin burst on early Friday...
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Donald Trump to publish his correspondence with famous people in a book

Donald Trump to publish his correspondence with famous people in a book

If you are wondering what former President Donald Trump is up to lately, find out that he is planning to release another book, which will contain his correspondence with various celebrities, including Princess Diana and Michael Jackson. Trump has already...
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Seven of the world’s largest economies have formed an alliance for sustainable mineral mining

Seven of the world’s largest economies have formed an alliance for sustainable mineral mining

The United Nations Conference on Biodiversity COP15, currently taking place in Montreal, aims to “transform society’s relationship with biodiversity”. Seven of the world’s wealthiest countries, have formed a new alliance to force mining...
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New Zealand bans smoking for next generation

New Zealand bans smoking for next generation

New Zealand passed a law on Tuesday banning the sale of tobacco to anyone born on or after 1 January 2009. This is the world”s first legislation to phase out smoking for future generations. “Thousands of people will live longer,...
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The US to help Haitians via longer temporary status

The US to help Haitians via longer temporary status

The United States has announced that it would increase its support for Haitians and prolong their temporary residency status. According to the Biden administration, the country will provide temporary legal status to more Haitians currently residing in the Unit...
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FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried arrested in the Bahamas

FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried arrested in the Bahamas

FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried, also known as SBF, has been arrested in The Bahamas on behalf of the US government, which filed unspecified criminal charges against him. SBF is scheduled to appear today in a magistrates’ court in the Caribbean...
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The Covid-19 outbreak left some nurses emotionally impaired

The Covid-19 outbreak left some nurses emotionally impaired

Nurses at residential care facilities who have experienced the Covid outbreak may benefit from mental health services. According to recent investigations conducted by the University of East Anglia, those who were on the forefront of the Covid crisis should hav...
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