LGBT Marchers Expressed Their Anger at the White House

Tens of thousands of LGBT right supporters had a march across the U.S. On Sunday, expressing their anger over threats posed by the Trump administration

The marchers complained that Trump, who at first campaigned as an ally of gays and lesbians, has filled his administration with foes of LGBT rights, such as Vice President Mike Pence, and Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price.

Marchers paraded past the White House and toward the Capitol behind a giant rainbow flag next to the head of the procession.

“We’re here, we’re queer, get that Cheeto out of here,” was among the chants aimed at Trump.

In the crowd there were also present members of gay choruses from various cities, singing freedom and patriotic songs along the way.

“It’s an opportunity to tell everyone we’re still here, and we’re not going away at all,” said Gregory Elfers of Teaneck, New Jersey

However, at some point, what was knows as the Los Angeles Pride Parade was soon replaced with the ResistMarch. Democratic representatives Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, and Maxine Waters were speakers.

“We’re going to take our country back from him,” she said. “I know that you have the strength. I know that you have the courage. And I know that each of you understand you have the power.”

The event was organized by Brian Pendleton. He told the Los Angeles Times that the climate of the political climate in the U.S. Drove everyone to unite. He also added that people were in a need to make some statement against “regressive policies”.

“This year, the LGBTQ community is lending our iconic rainbow flag to anyone who feels like their rights are under threat and to anyone who feels like America’s strength is its diversity,” Pendleton said.

President of GLADD, Sarah Kate Ellis, was present at the march and noted that Trump broke from the Barack Obama practice of issuing a proclamation in honor of Pride Month. Moreover, she added that the Trump administration has erased questions about sexual orientation from planned federal surveys.

“If you look at their prioritization, we’re really low on it,” she said. “There absolutely is a resistance aspect to this march.”


